After lots of grinding the team was ready! We're going to face our first gym in Hoenn.
We heard it's a rock type gym, so it's not so different from Sinnoh. And we're packed up with some type advantages. Check out the battle!
He also gave me a PokéNav, an electronic device with a map function, a way to check the my Pokémon for Contests, and a listing of the Ribbons my Pokémon have. Considering I no longer had my Pokétch, this PokéNav would have to do the trick! I told him I would do him those favors. Besides, while checking my new PokéNav map, I realized the was pretty much the route I would have to take anyway. When I was leaving the building one of Devon Corp.'s scientists stopped me to install a chat call app on my PokéNav. I could now talk to people using my PokéNav, pretty neat!
I realized I would need a boat ride to get to my next destination, so I thought, maybe Mr.Briney could give me a hand with that. When I was leaving Rustboro to see Mr.Briney at his cottage, I met May. She seemed to be surprised when she saw Kamots. She told me he had always been the lonely type. Didn't really like to interact much with other humans or Pokémon. But now, he was toltally different... He was attached to me. We've bonded. She then offered to battle. And I wouldn't let that pass!
The battle went smoothly. I had Wolverine deal with her Wingull and Lorne took out her Treecko with one hit. She didn't seem disappointed about losing... she's always so nice. Anyway, We said goodbye and went to see Mr.Briney.He was happy to help me with my errand. We got on his boat and he took us to Dewford Town!
We heard it's a rock type gym, so it's not so different from Sinnoh. And we're packed up with some type advantages. Check out the battle!
It was an easy win. But I'm trying not to be over confident. But we were proudly leaving the gym to get some rest at the Pokémon center when that same Team Aqua grunt showed up running and that guy from Devon corp was running after him when he stopped to scream for help. Well, we go again.We followed the guy all the way to Rusturf Tunnel. Right at the entrance there was this old man, Mr.Briney, and he was also desperate for the Aqua grunt had just stolen his precious pokemon. Solving two problems at once we defeated the grunt with ease. I returned the old man, who turned out to be a sailor, his precious Wingull, Peeko. To the guy from Devon corp. I returned the Devon Goods. He was so grateful that he took me to meet the Devon Corporation's President, Mr.Stone. He was worried about this Team Aqua thing so he asked me two favors: To take a letter to his son, Steven, in Dewford Town and to take the Devon Goods to Captain Stern in Slateport City.

She had on her team:

Wingull♀ Lv.13

Treecko♂ Lv.15
The battle went smoothly. I had Wolverine deal with her Wingull and Lorne took out her Treecko with one hit. She didn't seem disappointed about losing... she's always so nice. Anyway, We said goodbye and went to see Mr.Briney.He was happy to help me with my errand. We got on his boat and he took us to Dewford Town!