I'm just trying to find my way out from Petalburg Woods when I see this fellow in fancy clothes and comes to ask me if I've seen any Shroomish around. NO I HAVE NOT Òó !!! I wish I had! Then, A seconde guy in his pirate clothes shows up and threatens to rob the first one. The guy freakes out like a little girl and asks for my help. I battled the pirate guy and he started babbling about Team Aqua and some other business in Rustboro City . Is it becoming popular to put up gangs? 'Cause that guy was actually wearing a strange symbol... Well, at least the pirate outfit is better than spacesuits like those from Team Galactic. I just hope they cause less trouble. The guy in his fancy clothes works for a big company in Hoenn, The Devon Corporation. He actually gave me a greatball for helping him.

I wanted to do some more grinding before taking on the gym, so we went up to Route 116, and maybe catch another pokemon. I battled a few trainers and actually caught a weird looking fellow, Lv.6 Nincada ♂. Welcome Kouga to the team!
We found a small cave at the end of the route. It looked like they're trying to do a Tunnel... I talked to some workers on the outside and they said they had to stop it because it was disturbing the wild pokemon. Those guys in Hoenn might enslave their pokemon to work for moving companies, but they do seem to care about pokemon well-fare. We checked the inside and found a new pokemon. Lv.7 Whismur ♂, named Noisy.
Now It's grinding time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Os pokemons de Hoenn são estranhos XD. Ouvi um amigo meu de hoenn dizer que se seu Nincada evoluir com um espaço vago da equipe e uma pokebola sobrando, vai aparecer um pokemon extra. Eu realmente não acreditei muito, mas bem quando seu Kouga evoluir me avisa se é verdade. Tenho a impressão de que esse cara com simbolo estranho vai lhe trazer muuuuitos problemas. Até mais
ReplyDeleteé verdade...me parece que os Nincada liberam uma casca que se torna um pokemon novo. Veremos...