So I was on the net the other day and I saw this:
And I reposted this to my local 3DS/DS MeetUp group on facebook and started discussing the subject with my fellow trainers. And we thought, "why not?". We've all been doing competitive training for a while and it's awesome. But this could be something new! So I got all excited about and decided to make my challenge based on the "Nuzlocke" one.
For my adventure I chose Pokemon Platinum version, 'cause this was the only one available(meaning I could erase the previous data) at the time. And the rules are pretty much the same, I'm here just to clarify a few things.
1- The challenge begins when you get your first pokeball. From that moment on you can only catch the first wild pokemon you see at each new area. Nothing else.
1.1 Any pokemon can be caught to be used as an HM slave as long as they don't ever engage in battle. You may not take their items if they have the ability Pick up, bacause you must toltally ignore their existence except for using HMs.
1.2- Each new route counts as a new area, except when you're crossing an infinite amount of water. In this case, the frigging water represents one area. Caves represent a new area as well as each new floor of the same cave. If you ever go back to a previous area, you can't catch pokemon there, you smartass!
1.3- If you accidentally make the pokemon you had to catch faint,too bad!
1.4- If the pokemon you just caught in this area has fainted, you'll have to wait to go to a new area to catch a new pokemon. Good luck you and your starter!
2 Cheating is very ugly. Using repels to increase your chance of fiding certain pokemon is not allowed!
3 If any pokemon faints, including your starter, you must release that pokemon into total oblivion! If all of them have fainted, start over!
If any other details come to mind I'll update this page.
And I reposted this to my local 3DS/DS MeetUp group on facebook and started discussing the subject with my fellow trainers. And we thought, "why not?". We've all been doing competitive training for a while and it's awesome. But this could be something new! So I got all excited about and decided to make my challenge based on the "Nuzlocke" one.
For my adventure I chose Pokemon Platinum version, 'cause this was the only one available(meaning I could erase the previous data) at the time. And the rules are pretty much the same, I'm here just to clarify a few things.

If any other details come to mind I'll update this page.