Sooo... Now that we're rock smashing like HELL after beating gym leader Roark, It's time to do some exploring. And so we're going to unravel some of the mysteries of Oreburgh gate's basement. And right after we go inside, crazy rival, Trace, shows up and hands me the info that I will have to work an awfully long way to reach the next city with a GYM, just because my mom couldn't buy me a bike!
We have an HM Slave
Bidoof on our team that will break the rocks for us!
And I go inside the basement just to, again, suffer with the fact that i don't have a bike. But at least I got TM70
Flash and a Big pearl to make some money! And now we're heading to Eterna City, for the next GYM.
On my way to my next badge I arrive at Jubilife and that crazy detective, Looker, shows up and now I have to find the shady-guys his talking about. But first, detour! On the way to route 208 I think it's a great idea to fish, even though I'm vegetarian! So, cheap fisherman gives me an old useless rod!
At least I grab an X accuracy on the other side...and head back to Jubilife. Time to grab myself a new pokétch app!!! Talking to Mr.President there I get the Memo Pad.
Now i'm leaving trough the nothern exit of the city! It's a party! Some grunts are abusing Professor Rowan and pathetic girl! Let's join the party... I mean, let's kick their asses!
And It's a double battle, 'cause pathetic girl is using her Lv.13
Chimchar and I'm using my Lv.16
The galactic grunts were packing:
Stunky ♂
Lv. 11
Glameow ♀
Lv. 11
And of course I'm taking all the hist while stupid girl's Chimchar fools around. But, that's ok! 'Cause we can take them all down! Come at me bro! After defeating them some fat reporter from Jubilife thought I was fabulous and presents me with a Fashion Case(YEW!!).
Moving on to Rt.204, It's time to cross that cave! (Right after I've healed, poor Kiara). So what's gonna be? The first pokemon is.....
Psyayayayduck! Nope! Not catching it! We grab TM 39
Rock Tomb and leave the Ravaged Path. Leaving the cave looks like a new area, but it still is Rt.204, so...I'm not counting this as new.
It's time for some trainer battles. First is Lady Taylor with her:
Budew ♀
Cherubi ♀
Next is good old Bug Catcher, always with miserable pokemon you can put down with just one hit!
Wurmple ♂
Kricketot ♂
And for last, Twins with twins!

Pachirisu ♀
Kiara levels up and learns
Bite *-*
We pick up TM09
Bullet Seed and finally reach Floaroma Town. The town is colorful, joyful, flowerful and berryful...So I'm reaping out all the berries, just in case they may be useful. There's not much to do here except accepting gifts from little girls. I, myself, got a sprayduck and a TM88
Pluck. How about that? But you can't just leave yet, bacause like in every good RPG, there's something stupid blocking your way! In this case, Galactic grunts!
So, I'm heading to Rt.205 to try and see if I can catch something cool when another little girl comes to ask me to help her dad, who's being held by the mean Galactic people at Valley Windworks. Alrighty! To the rescue! But, first! New area with FUCKING
BUIZEL showing up!!! CATCH THE DAMN THING ALREADY!!! And we have a new teammate! \o/
Mink, the Lv.10
♀ Buizel
Coming up next:
The Valley Windworks