So I finally gre some balls and started drawing my comic. I probably won't be updating the written nuzlocke anymore, since the stories are a little different from each other. But you can check the comic on here. I've also posted it to the Nuzlocke forum. Hope you enjoy it.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Monday, August 20, 2012

We haven't given up our fight! I know it's been a while... But I promise we won't give up! So much has happened since the last time I was here. Some are pretty good news, others...
When we reached Dewford we were eager to find some new pokemon and also to deliver that letter to Mr.Stone's son, Steven. We heard he was in a nearby cave looking for some rare stones, so we went there and actually found a new partner a Lv.11 ♀ Aron! Meet our new girl, D'Arc!
The cave was pitch black! But we're not afraid of the dark! Everything was going fine, we were doing some training while trying to find Steven. But, then...this new pokemon showed up...Makuhita. I had Wolverine as my leading pokemon and I was pretty confident it would be an easy fight. The Makuhita was merciless! He took down Wolverine with one hit! By the time I had realized my disadvantage mistake it was too late! We'd lost Wolverine.
Reaching Slateport City we had one more errand to run, deliver the Devon Goods to Captain Stern. After asking around I figured he'd be inside the Oceanic Museum, but there was this huge line of... TEAM AQUA GRUNTS!? What the...!? That can't be good. When I finally manged to get inside and meet with Captain Stern, two of those annoying grunts tried to attack us and steal the Devon Goods. HA! Free kill! But after I was done with them this man came to me...Archie, the Team Aqua's leader. He seemed a little pissed but there wasn't much to do about it, right? I guess we'll be meeting again...
Man, we were down! That was a lot to take in. For all of us. He was the first pokemon I lost in Hoenn, I was really down but I had to be strong for the rest of the team. I had to show them we could keep going, so I took Makuia out of the box... I was hoping she could help bring some joy to our hearts alongside D'Arc. Girls know how to do that, right? And I think it worked! We went back in the cave and found Steven. He was very nice, actually, giving us a TM and all. We did some more grinding and got ready to face the Gym.
The Gym leader specialized in fighting types. I predicted we would have to face a Makuhita again. But now, I knew better. It was the time for Lorne to rise and shine!!!! (no video for this one, sorry!)
On his Team, the Gym Leader Brawly had:
And Lorne did shine! We brought down the entire gym!!! Lorne's gust was a sweep away! We got that badge so fast we don't even remember how it all happened.
We did want to leave that place as fast as possible and leave all the bad memories behind, taking only the good taste of victory with us. We got on Mr.Briney's boat and move to our next destination!

Once I had finally delivered the Devon goods I was free to press on my journey to become Hoenn's champion! So we took route 110 to get to Mauville City, where, according to my map, was the next Gym. Surprisingly enough we met May on the way, and of course we wanted to test each other out on a battle!
She was getting better, but we were still ahead of her. Anyway, she seemed very happy to see me and I was very happy to se her too. I can't really explain why... I asked her to cross the route with me until we got to Mauville and she happily accepted my invitation. But for some reason, she seemed to blush...
I'm always so happy around this girl...But anyway, we parted ways when we reached the city.
Monday, June 18, 2012
After lots of grinding the team was ready! We're going to face our first gym in Hoenn.
We heard it's a rock type gym, so it's not so different from Sinnoh. And we're packed up with some type advantages. Check out the battle!
He also gave me a PokéNav, an electronic device with a map function, a way to check the my Pokémon for Contests, and a listing of the Ribbons my Pokémon have. Considering I no longer had my Pokétch, this PokéNav would have to do the trick! I told him I would do him those favors. Besides, while checking my new PokéNav map, I realized the was pretty much the route I would have to take anyway. When I was leaving the building one of Devon Corp.'s scientists stopped me to install a chat call app on my PokéNav. I could now talk to people using my PokéNav, pretty neat!
I realized I would need a boat ride to get to my next destination, so I thought, maybe Mr.Briney could give me a hand with that. When I was leaving Rustboro to see Mr.Briney at his cottage, I met May. She seemed to be surprised when she saw Kamots. She told me he had always been the lonely type. Didn't really like to interact much with other humans or Pokémon. But now, he was toltally different... He was attached to me. We've bonded. She then offered to battle. And I wouldn't let that pass!
The battle went smoothly. I had Wolverine deal with her Wingull and Lorne took out her Treecko with one hit. She didn't seem disappointed about losing... she's always so nice. Anyway, We said goodbye and went to see Mr.Briney.He was happy to help me with my errand. We got on his boat and he took us to Dewford Town!
We heard it's a rock type gym, so it's not so different from Sinnoh. And we're packed up with some type advantages. Check out the battle!
It was an easy win. But I'm trying not to be over confident. But we were proudly leaving the gym to get some rest at the Pokémon center when that same Team Aqua grunt showed up running and that guy from Devon corp was running after him when he stopped to scream for help. Well, we go again.We followed the guy all the way to Rusturf Tunnel. Right at the entrance there was this old man, Mr.Briney, and he was also desperate for the Aqua grunt had just stolen his precious pokemon. Solving two problems at once we defeated the grunt with ease. I returned the old man, who turned out to be a sailor, his precious Wingull, Peeko. To the guy from Devon corp. I returned the Devon Goods. He was so grateful that he took me to meet the Devon Corporation's President, Mr.Stone. He was worried about this Team Aqua thing so he asked me two favors: To take a letter to his son, Steven, in Dewford Town and to take the Devon Goods to Captain Stern in Slateport City.

She had on her team:

Wingull♀ Lv.13

Treecko♂ Lv.15
The battle went smoothly. I had Wolverine deal with her Wingull and Lorne took out her Treecko with one hit. She didn't seem disappointed about losing... she's always so nice. Anyway, We said goodbye and went to see Mr.Briney.He was happy to help me with my errand. We got on his boat and he took us to Dewford Town!
Thursday, June 14, 2012

I'm just trying to find my way out from Petalburg Woods when I see this fellow in fancy clothes and comes to ask me if I've seen any Shroomish around. NO I HAVE NOT Òó !!! I wish I had! Then, A seconde guy in his pirate clothes shows up and threatens to rob the first one. The guy freakes out like a little girl and asks for my help. I battled the pirate guy and he started babbling about Team Aqua and some other business in Rustboro City . Is it becoming popular to put up gangs? 'Cause that guy was actually wearing a strange symbol... Well, at least the pirate outfit is better than spacesuits like those from Team Galactic. I just hope they cause less trouble. The guy in his fancy clothes works for a big company in Hoenn, The Devon Corporation. He actually gave me a greatball for helping him.

I wanted to do some more grinding before taking on the gym, so we went up to Route 116, and maybe catch another pokemon. I battled a few trainers and actually caught a weird looking fellow, Lv.6 Nincada ♂. Welcome Kouga to the team!
We found a small cave at the end of the route. It looked like they're trying to do a Tunnel... I talked to some workers on the outside and they said they had to stop it because it was disturbing the wild pokemon. Those guys in Hoenn might enslave their pokemon to work for moving companies, but they do seem to care about pokemon well-fare. We checked the inside and found a new pokemon. Lv.7 Whismur ♂, named Noisy.
Now It's grinding time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Upon entering Route 101 again I was really anxious to see which pokemon would show up for me to catch, and it wasn't long 'til this cute Lv. 3 Poochyena ♂ showed! I caught him and named him Matsie. I went back to Route 103 too, to see if I could catch another pokemon. A Lv.4 Poochyena ♀! Named her Makuia. Next, we took the new Route 102. Again I was anxious to find a different pokemon, when Lv.2 Poochyena ♂ appeared. IS THIS THE ONLY POKEMON IN THE ENTIRE HOENN REGION!? I cought him and named him Wolverine. Now I had caught myself an entire pack of Poochyenas and they're about to fight to decide who's the alpha. NOT HAPPENING!
After some grinding and some trainer ass kicking we reached a small city called Petalburg. Where did I hear this name before? WOW! That's the city where my father is a Gym Leader. I ran to the gym, I hadn't seen my father in ages! I just wanted to battle him right away!
When I entered the gym he was surprised to see me...But not just see me, see me as a trainer! Guess mom never told him what happened in Sinnoh. And I wasn't going to tell him either, was going to show him with a battle! But he told me I couldn't battle him right away...only after I had collected at least 4 Hoenn gym badges. When he said that, I couldn't complain...I had only two pokemon on me and they're both new at this. Suddenly a boy entered the gym asking my father's help to catch a pokemon. He was a frail boy and his name was Wally. Somehow I think my father new I was a capable trainer and sent me to help the boy. We went back to Rout 102 for him to catch a pokemon. A Ralts showed up and he caught her...I thought of my Tess... We went back and he thanked me and my father...I think my father saw I was a bit shaken, but didn't say anything, thankfully.
I feel I'll meet this boy again...I helped him catch his first pokemon, I feel somewhat responsible.
Well, I had nothing else to do in Petalburg at the moment, so I was leaving the city, when suddenly this strange dude stopped me to ask me If I was a trainer but he turns out saying that I look like a rookie trainer. What's that supposed to mean!? This people have no idea I'm Sinnoh's champion! ¬¬
Doesn't matter anyway! I kept on going and found myself on Route 104! Please good Arceus, let me find a pokemon that is not a Poochyena. I love Poochyena's but I might as well put them up for adoption!
And I found a Lv.4 Wurmple ♂ \o/
He kinda made me miss Aurora, but he was so different... I named him Lorne. Anyway, I thought I'd train him already to evolve him quickly, since bug types are so ease to raise. And, for my surprise, at Lv. 7, he evolved into a different pokemon than Aurora. I was so excited I wanted to have him fully evolved, so I trained him some more and at Lv.10 he turned into an awesome Beautifly!
After some more grinding and battling trainers we've reached Petalburg Woods. Nice place to catch me...............................another Wurmple ¬¬...nevermind! Let's just cross these damn woods!
Oh, yeah! As you can see, my arrival in Hoenn was epic ¬¬ !
My mom had to bring her extrafagile-rare-pokemon-dish-collection in the front with her and there was no room left for me, so I had to ride in the back with all our stuff. When we finally stopped I fell and broke my Pokétch! URGH! At least I didn't have to unpack and organize everything, 'cause apparently, in Hoenn they use pokemon to do all kinds of heavy job O.o! Well, I had heard that Hoenn is not as developed as Sinnoh (guess I moved to the countryside!), but It's like a natural Paradise! Cities mix with nature without causing much disturbance and mantaining harmony with wild pokemon. It's a whole new place, with completely different pokemon! It fits my desire for a new challenge too. My town in Sinnoh was pretty small, and this Littleroot town isn't different, but the weather is much warmer. Well, well...I went up to see my room. I tried to check what time it was (after all my Pokétch wasn't working anymore), and the clock was stopped. Seems like nothing is going as I expected... I had to take a guess and set the clock to 4:00PM. When I went back down my mom was watching TV...Dad was on, The new Petalburg City Gym leader. She then told me one of our neighbors was a famous Pokemon Professor called Birch and that he and my father were close friends. And of course, she mentioned he had a daughter and that I should go over to meet her.

I went there, said hello to her mother and she sent me up her room. The girl wasn't there...there was only a pokéball. I wondered if I could see what was in it...a new Hoenn pokemon I had never seen before, maybe... But when I was about to check she arrived and greeted me. Her name's May. She was very nice actually...I guess we could be friends. She also told me I should go meet her father...but she seemed in a hurry, said she needed to go help her father with his research. I thought with myself I could do that later, first I wanted to go take a walk, see if I could find any new pokemon.
When I was leaving the town for my walk I heard someone screaming for help! I didn't even think twice, I had to help them! I saw this guy in a lab-coat running like crazy from a pokemon I had never seen before. He them told me to take a pokemon from his back and help him! There were three pokéballs on the inside...
I didn't know what pokemon to take, but that little blue one, Mudkip, was just... There was something about him...
We saved the guy and he actually presented himself as Porf.Birch. How convenient. We went to his lab to talk and he told me how surprised he was when he saw my skills as a trainer. Told me I had my father's blood indeed. I thought about telling him about my journey in Sinnoh and how I wasn't just a newbie, but a champion! But...for some reason, I thought of the words my mother used "to start from scrap"...What if I pretended to be a rookie trainer? After all, I don't know this place, I could be as lost as any new trainer. Well, he was so impressed that he actualy gave me the Mudkip, so I named him Kamots! My first Hoenn pokemon!!! Now things are starting to work out!
He told me I should probably go meet his daughter at Route 103, she would teach me a few more things about being a trainer (like I don't know). My Kamots agreed in going, he seemed eager to have another battle. And we battled!
She used a Lv.5 Treecko, another pokemon I had never seen. I had tested Kamots before getting to Route 03 and he had already put some levels, which made the battle really easy! But she seemed to be a good trainer. She took me back to the lab and Prof.Birch gave me a local pokedex (I figured my Sinnoh pokedex wouldn't be of much use, so I left it with Prof.Rowan to help him with his research) and some pokéballs. When I left the lab my mom was waiting for me in front of our house. She wasn't surprised I was leaving already...she just gave me some new shoes and wished me luck.
He told me I should probably go meet his daughter at Route 103, she would teach me a few more things about being a trainer (like I don't know). My Kamots agreed in going, he seemed eager to have another battle. And we battled!
She used a Lv.5 Treecko, another pokemon I had never seen. I had tested Kamots before getting to Route 03 and he had already put some levels, which made the battle really easy! But she seemed to be a good trainer. She took me back to the lab and Prof.Birch gave me a local pokedex (I figured my Sinnoh pokedex wouldn't be of much use, so I left it with Prof.Rowan to help him with his research) and some pokéballs. When I left the lab my mom was waiting for me in front of our house. She wasn't surprised I was leaving already...she just gave me some new shoes and wished me luck.
The last trainer from the Elite 4 proved to be worth his title. He gave us a hard time, but we had a few strategies to deal with him.Now...
This is it...the moment we've all worked so hard for, made sacrifices, lost friends...It's here...
This is it...the moment we've all worked so hard for, made sacrifices, lost friends...It's here...
It's a strange feeling...We win, we rejoice! We lose, we grieve! We beat the challenged, we grow! We're champions. As much as we think we learned from our victories, It's from our losses that the true lessons were born. And at the and, what you learn always come together when you try to be your best. We've proven so! But what is most important is the friends you've made during your journey! You'll remember them FOREVER! THANK YOU EVERYBODY!!!!

After the celebration at the Hall of Fame, Prof.Rowan and Cynthia wanted to throw me a party, but I just wanted to go back home for a while...So I got on Griff and we flew back home together. We didn't even talk on the way, I guess we just wanted to feel the breeze and think about all the things that we had been through and what we are going to do next...
By the time we got home my mother was packing everything up. She was so happy and surprised when she saw me. She told me she was planing to move to live with dad in Hoenn, where he had become a Gym leader. She seemed to have been feeling a little lonely since I had left to take on my journey. She stopped packing up and sat down on the living room... "Tell me about your journey and let me see how that little Poseidon of your has grown..." she said. I put on a smile on my face and sat down with her to tell her about all the things me and my friends had been through!
I told her about Kiara and how I almost gave everything up when I lost her. I told her about team Galactic and how we never thought they could be so dangerous. We told her about all the battles we had against Trace and how we won every single one of them. I showed her all my badges. I told her about the trainers I helped on the way and the ones the helped me. I told her about Bebe, the girl that manages the pokemon boxes and how she gave me Fenrir; and How Cynthia gave me Sky and Riley, Lucky. I told her about the Lake Pokemon and how I freed them. I told her about the distortion world and the legendary pokemon Giratina. I told her about the pain and suffering of losing my friends. I told her about the joys of victory. I told her I had become Sinnoh's newest champion by defeating Cynthia. I told my story in details, just like I did to all of you. She was amazed...I guess she couldn't call me her baby anymore. I had grown.
After a few moments in silence, she came up with this crazy and awesome idea, "Why don't you come to Hoenn with me and start a whole new journey? Start from scrap just like you did here.You might even battle your father as a gym leader...". But what about my friends? Poseidon, Fenrir, Reaper, Griff, Dililah...? "You can leave them with Prof.Rowan, he would take care of them until you were done...and you can pick them up afterwards..."
I gave it some thought... But I was already feeling a whole new thrill...the thrill of the challenge! It was time to get ready...I said goodbye to all of my human and pokemon friends. I promised Poseidon and the others I would come back for them and that I would miss them very much. Changed my clothes and packed my stuff. And of course, I asked Prof.Rowan for a new trainer card...
Hoenn, Here I Come!!!!!! o/
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