Sunday, May 6, 2012


It hurts to say, but I did it again. I lost a friend. She was just new to the team and was doing great with her training. Tess was at Lv.29, really close to evolving into a beautiful Gardevoir when we met this trainer and his Goldeen. We thought it was just a Goldeen, no big deal! But we weren't expecting it to use Horn Drill!! Of course it missed! We were startled but we soon became confident that with such low accuracy that thing would never get the chance to hit us! I was wrong...and poor Tess trusted me. The second time sure hit...1 hit KO.

We went back to Solaceon town, near the place where we first met Tess. Payed our respects and buried her in the Lost Tower. I'm sorry, Tess...for letting your promising future be wiped out like this...I'm so sorry!

I wouldn't let her efforts be in vain so Griff and Fenrir were putting an extra effort and Aurora joined us again to gives some new strength, very much needed! After all, it was time to get our next badge. And the team was ready!

We were too hurt from losing another companion and we wanted to take all out on the first trainer we saw. I didn't even wanted to record this last GYM battle because we wanted to hurt that little girl so bad, even though it wasn't her fault, it wouldn't be respectful, keeping that in video. Mink took out her Meditate with a single Crunch to the face! Aurora finished off that Machoke with a few Psybeams, resisting all the Rock Tombs sent on her! Finally, Griff took out that Lucario with one single Close Combat. It was beautiful. Even Fenrir took super effective hits from the other trainers like a boss! I think he's convinced Fenrir was really a good name. Fits his new form.
We moved on, carrying our new Cobble Badge. But still feeling the bitter taste of loss...