We haven't given up our fight! I know it's been a while... But I promise we won't give up! So much has happened since the last time I was here. Some are pretty good news, others...
When we reached Dewford we were eager to find some new pokemon and also to deliver that letter to Mr.Stone's son, Steven. We heard he was in a nearby cave looking for some rare stones, so we went there and actually found a new partner a Lv.11 ♀ Aron! Meet our new girl, D'Arc!
The cave was pitch black! But we're not afraid of the dark! Everything was going fine, we were doing some training while trying to find Steven. But, then...this new pokemon showed up...Makuhita. I had Wolverine as my leading pokemon and I was pretty confident it would be an easy fight. The Makuhita was merciless! He took down Wolverine with one hit! By the time I had realized my disadvantage mistake it was too late! We'd lost Wolverine.
Reaching Slateport City we had one more errand to run, deliver the Devon Goods to Captain Stern. After asking around I figured he'd be inside the Oceanic Museum, but there was this huge line of... TEAM AQUA GRUNTS!? What the...!? That can't be good. When I finally manged to get inside and meet with Captain Stern, two of those annoying grunts tried to attack us and steal the Devon Goods. HA! Free kill! But after I was done with them this man came to me...Archie, the Team Aqua's leader. He seemed a little pissed but there wasn't much to do about it, right? I guess we'll be meeting again...
Man, we were down! That was a lot to take in. For all of us. He was the first pokemon I lost in Hoenn, I was really down but I had to be strong for the rest of the team. I had to show them we could keep going, so I took Makuia out of the box... I was hoping she could help bring some joy to our hearts alongside D'Arc. Girls know how to do that, right? And I think it worked! We went back in the cave and found Steven. He was very nice, actually, giving us a TM and all. We did some more grinding and got ready to face the Gym.
The Gym leader specialized in fighting types. I predicted we would have to face a Makuhita again. But now, I knew better. It was the time for Lorne to rise and shine!!!! (no video for this one, sorry!)
On his Team, the Gym Leader Brawly had:
And Lorne did shine! We brought down the entire gym!!! Lorne's gust was a sweep away! We got that badge so fast we don't even remember how it all happened.
We did want to leave that place as fast as possible and leave all the bad memories behind, taking only the good taste of victory with us. We got on Mr.Briney's boat and move to our next destination!

Once I had finally delivered the Devon goods I was free to press on my journey to become Hoenn's champion! So we took route 110 to get to Mauville City, where, according to my map, was the next Gym. Surprisingly enough we met May on the way, and of course we wanted to test each other out on a battle!
She was getting better, but we were still ahead of her. Anyway, she seemed very happy to see me and I was very happy to se her too. I can't really explain why... I asked her to cross the route with me until we got to Mauville and she happily accepted my invitation. But for some reason, she seemed to blush...
I'm always so happy around this girl...But anyway, we parted ways when we reached the city.